Ease Stress With Exercise

Creating a lifelong and consistent exercise routine is paramount for a healthy lifestyle. Reducing body fat, increasing muscle mass, and maintaining an efficient metabolism are just a few of the benefits of exercise. Exercise also happens to be an excellent tool for promoting stress reduction.
Everyone experiences stress from time to time. Different types of stress carry various physical and mental health risks. However, long-term stress poses the most significant risk, as continued strain on your body may contribute to serious health problems. Chronic stress can contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems, including mental health concerns such as anxiety (1).
Unfortunately, stress and anxiety affect many people and are generally more common among women than men (2-4). Many individuals who experience stress and anxiety also report being less physically active (5, 6). When feeling stressed, making time for exercise can seem like the lowest priority. While exercise may require effort, a little can go a long way. In fact, it’s an important strategy to ease the burden of stress-related conditions, both when it comes to prevention (7-9) and alleviating its symptoms (10).
While making time in your day for exercise or even mustering up enough motivation for a workout may not be the easiest, it helps. You don’t even have to begin with a strict workout regimen or exhaust yourself with a high-intensity effort. Just getting out and being consistent is the most critical first step.
One straightforward way that exercise promotes stress reduction is by providing an opportunity for rejuvenation. Sometimes taking a break and focusing on yourself or enjoying time with your exercise buddies is mentally relieving. Effectively, exercise pre-occupies the brain and offers a distraction from stress-provoking thoughts (11).
Almost any type of exercise works, although activities that activate large muscle groups like going for a jog or taking a brisk walk may work best. This type of exercise is classified as aerobic, meaning it improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular system to absorb and transport oxygen.
Aerobic exercise also improves brain functioning by positively impacting its chemistry. For example, individuals with higher cardiovascular fitness have a lower cortisol response when subjected to stressful situations (12). Exercise is also known to increase brain derived neurtrophic growth factor, a brain chemical that appears to decrease in people with anxiety conditions (13). Preliminary research in mice indicates that increased levels have been linked to reduced anxiety following exercise (14, 15).
While exercise is not a replacement for care provided by a medical professional, it is a practical step you can take to help manage stress. Start slow, be consistent, and set attainable goals over time.
- National Institute of Mental Health. 5 Things You Should Know About Stress. Source: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/stress. Accessed September 24, 2021.
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